Easier supervision for case managers. Better outcomes for clients.
Savings and safety for your community.
Our data and communication features improve entire systems
or single institutions.
Powering success with gamification and shared experience.

Our Solutions

Innovative technologies designed to transform justice outcomes and support community well-being

SPROKIT for criminal justice & mental health logo

SPROKIT for criminal justice & mental health

A mobile app to reduce recidivism and recurrence of negative behaviors of clients, and ease the work of supervision with gamification and comprehensive data at every stage of the criminal justice journey – all affordably.

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SPROKIT CM for substance use disorders logo

SPROKIT CM for substance use disorders

Evidence-based treatment and recovery support platform

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BlueDelta for law enforcement logo

BlueDelta for law enforcement

Advanced analytics and operational intelligence for law enforcement agencies

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BlueDelta+SPROKIT for deflection logo

BlueDelta+SPROKIT for deflection

Integrated solution for community-based alternatives to arrest

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A mobile app to reduce recidivism and transform behavior

SPROKIT is innovative technology that reduces recidivism and recurrence of negative behaviors of clients, and eases the work of supervision with gamification and comprehensive data at every stage of the criminal justice journey – and doing this all affordably.

It connects justice-involved persons with probation, courts, diversion, social services, employers, health workers, families, and friends. It utilizes elements from Nuvana – our award-winning, gamified, behavior transformation technology for education.

Connect Communities

Link justice-involved persons with support networks and services

Transform Behavior

Evidence-based approach to positive behavioral change

Track Progress

Monitor outcomes and celebrate success milestones

Key Features

Comprehensive tools and capabilities designed to support your program's success

Core Features

Customizable platform adjusts to your specific program & population needs

Tailor the platform to match your exact requirements and workflow

Treatment plan notifications & alerts

Stay on top of important updates and deadlines

Incentivization with game mechanics

Encourage engagement through rewards and achievements

Communication & Connectivity

Automatic check-ins to bricks & mortar locales

Streamline attendance tracking and verification

Virtual video meeting capability

Connect remotely with secure video conferencing

2-way, undeletable messaging

Maintain clear communication records

Resources & Analytics

Make referrals to treatment, vocational & educational partners

Seamlessly connect users with support services

Easy access to training materials

Access educational resources on-demand

Customizable data scraping to improve outcomes

Generate insights from user interaction data

SPROKIT Core Principles

Our foundation is built on these essential principles that guide everything we do


Adjust SPROKIT to fit your specific program and population. Turn on or off any of our features — whether gamification, auto check-ins, mandatory vs. voluntary tasks, virtual wallets, etc.

Key Benefits:

Flexible feature activation
Program-specific customization
Scalable solutions


You cannot improve behavior unless you can measure it. We work with you to scrape the information you need to improve client outcomes. We help you generate reports, share and receive information.

Key Benefits:

Real-time analytics
Custom reporting
Outcome tracking


We strive to make individual agencies better, but excel at systemic solutions for collaborative efforts like deflection and re-entry. Specific data is appropriately firewalled and/or anonymized to facilitate warm hand-offs while keeping protected personal information secure.

Key Benefits:

Secure data sharing
Multi-agency collaboration
Protected information handling

And most important…

Our commitment to transformative change through human-centered design and evidence-based practices.

Key Benefits:

Client-focused approach
Evidence-based methodology
Continuous improvement

Shared Experience!

Our team brings deep understanding through lived experiences

We understand you and your population because we are staffed by former practitioners and clients. Our tech team is made of previously incarcerated software engineers, our design and policy staff are former public defenders, law enforcement officers, ADA's, case managers, psychiatrists, probation officers, and people in recovery who demand our tools be easy to use, effective, humane, and save time and money.

Technical Team

Previously incarcerated software engineers

Design & Policy

Former public defenders, ADAs, law enforcement

Support Staff

Case managers, psychiatrists, probation officers

Our Core Values & Commitments

Privacy First

SPROKIT does NOT e-carcerate (i.e., no 24/7 geolocation tracking)

Incentive Driven

Built-in features to incentivize clients to keep their phone and stay compliant

User Focused

Tools designed to be easy to use, effective, and humane


A mobile app for treatment of SUDs

Contingency management (CM) is a highly effective, evidence-based therapy used to treat substance use disorders (SUDs). Using operant conditioning and positive reinforcement, rehabilitation experts use CM to motivate abstinence or treatment adherence through a system of rewards and consequences.

In 2022, the psychiatric department of UC San Francisco reached out to the SPROKIT team to develop a CM technology because of our expertise in gamification and data gathering.

The resulting collaboration resulted in SPROKIT CM — an end-to-end solution for deploying contingency management with a mobile app.


Built on proven contingency management principles


Motivates positive behavior through rewards


Facilitates team-based treatment approach


Demonstrated success in treating SUDs


Customizable to different CM goals and programs

Tailor the platform to match your specific treatment requirements

Monitors client behaviors and deploys alerts

Real-time monitoring and notification system

Separate dashboards for case managers, counselors, and toxicology screeners with firewalling to maintain privacy

Role-based access control with privacy protection

Immediate rewards — either vouchers, cash, or prizes — in SPROKIT CM's virtual wallet

Flexible reward system with instant gratification

Data gathering for improved outcomes of individuals and/or sub-cohorts

Comprehensive analytics and outcome tracking

Medication compliance features

Track and encourage medication adherence

In-app 2-way communication with messaging and video

Seamless communication between providers and clients


Law enforcement's app for 21st Century policing

President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing - Urgent Concerns

Trust & Legitimacy

Building and maintaining community trust through transparency

Policy & Oversight

Implementing effective policies and accountability measures

Technology & Social Media

Leveraging modern tools for better policing

Community Policing & Crime Reduction

Strengthening community relationships and safety

Officer Training & Education

Continuous development of law enforcement skills

Officer Safety & Wellness

Supporting the physical and mental health of officers

Nearly a decade later, the state of policing has not improved. In fact, it is deteriorating. PTSD rates are 10 times higher than the general population, with retirement and resignation rates rising from 20-45%. Officer suicide outnumbers deaths in the line of duty, and re-staffing cannot meet current needs. Community distrust of law enforcement is higher than ever.

Law enforcement cannot bear the full blame when they have no effective means to implement the solution.

Until now. It's called BlueDelta: a 21st Century tool to build 21st Century Policing.

Winner of MIT's "Unbundling Policing Challenge"

BlueDelta Features

Officer Wellness

Wellness tasks for officers & their departments

Links to services (e.g. counseling)

Hot buttons for important field actions such as deflection

Training & Development

Training and educational curricula

Post-Academy field training

Staffing & officer retention tools for supervisors

Community Engagement

Community trust-building tools

Volunteer opportunities

Policy archive

Technology & Innovation

Social Media tools to gather & disseminate positive stories of community interaction

Automatic data scraping to enhance individual and department excellence

Restorative discipline

Game mechanics to incentivize constructive behaviors

BlueDelta and Restorative Discipline

Transform behavior through responsive, supportive discipline

Though discipline is not BlueDelta's main function, it has the flexibility and power to deploy Restorative Discipline — an innovative response to law enforcement misconduct that transforms behavior through an Individual Action Plan tailored to an officer.

Restorative Discipline is not a replacement for progressive discipline, but an alternative avenue for resolving misconduct allegations early and efficiently while ensuring accountability, repairing harm in communities, rebuilding trust in law enforcement, and retaining a transformed officer in the department.

BlueDelta provides healthy guidance to the nexus between the individual officer, their department, and the community that is served.

Individual Growth

Personal development and behavioral transformation

Departmental Support

Institutional backing and resources

Community Trust

Rebuilding relationships with the public

Key Features of Restorative Discipline in BlueDelta

Connects rather than punishes behavior

Focus on rehabilitation and growth rather than punishment

Links individual officer to services

Direct connection to support services and resources

More immediate response to misconduct

Quick intervention to address issues promptly

Provides a certain outcome

Clear path to resolution and improvement

Reduces or mitigates consequences for the officer

Focus on rehabilitation while maintaining accountability

Gamified to drive engagement

Interactive elements to encourage participation

Monitors & tracks progress of the individual action plan

Comprehensive progress tracking and reporting

Data collection

Systematic gathering of meaningful metrics

The Restorative Discipline Process



Initial identification



Situation evaluation


Action Plan

Strategy development



Execute plan



Track progress

Benefits of BlueDelta

Transforming law enforcement through innovative solutions that benefit both officers and departments

For Individual Officers

Minimized loss of pay

Average 60% reduction in lost wages

Maintain financial stability during resolution process

Access to services

24/7 Support Access

Comprehensive support resources and assistance programs

Quick resolution

50% faster resolution

Expedited process for faster outcomes


Personalized Journey

Greater control over personal development path

Career longevity

Enhanced Retention

Support for long-term career success

For the Department

Behavior transformation

85% Success Rate

Positive changes in officer conduct and performance

Officer retention

40% Better Retention

Improved ability to maintain experienced staff

Trust and transparency

Increased Trust

Enhanced relationships with community

Cost effective and efficient

30% Cost Savings

Reduced administrative and legal expenses

Reduced litigation

45% Less Cases

Fewer legal challenges and court proceedings

Improved department morale

Higher Morale

Better workplace atmosphere and satisfaction


Increasing public safety, saving money

Crime, mental illness, and drug addiction are overwhelming the criminal justice system and costing billions of tax dollars. Yet studies show that more arrests and incarceration actually increase crime.

Deflection is the solution. It moves people away from the criminal justice system and into social services. Studies show it tamps down crime, reduces drug use, unclogs the courts and jails, saves tax dollars, and makes communities safer — as long as it's done right.

"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems" — James Clear, Atomic Habits

Like any collaborative program, deflection fails despite its good intentions when the system that manages it is poorly organized.

Now there is a technology that manages deflection efficiently and successfully. BlueDelta+SPROKIT — the only systemic tech solution for deflection.

Tax Dollars Saved
Reduced Recidivism
Program Success Rate

How It Works

Phase 1: Initiation

Police officers are incentivized to deflect with the BlueDelta app.

Built-in incentives encourage positive intervention

Phase 2: Assessment

BlueDelta determines an individual's eligibility for deflection and automatically makes a referral to the appropriate social service agency.

Smart matching algorithm ensures appropriate placement

Phase 3: Referral

The social service agency receives an alert with the client's onboarding info.

Seamless information transfer to service providers

Phase 4: Implementation

Clients use their SPROKIT app to stay informed about their deflection requirements, receive behavioral health tasks, and get assigned to restorative justice missions that benefit the community.

Comprehensive mobile support and guidance


Our foundation is built on deep understanding through lived experiences

Bring compassion and better outcomes to clients, first responders, providers, and community that are intertwined by criminal justice, mental health and substance use disorders.

Technical Team

Previously incarcerated software engineers

Design & Policy

Former public defenders, ADAs, law enforcement

Support Staff

Case managers, psychiatrists, probation officers

Our Diverse Team

Our team has deep experience in behavior transformation and advanced game mechanics. Our software engineers are either previously or currently incarcerated, which gives them compassionate insight into client behavior. Our design and deployment team is made up of former law enforcement officers, mental health case managers, public defenders, district attorneys, and rehab counselors. This diverse background underpins our ease of use, efficiency, and constant effort to improve outcomes.

Software Engineers with lived experience
Law Enforcement Officers
Mental Health Case Managers
Public Defenders
District Attorneys
Rehab Counselors

Our Core Values & Commitments

Privacy First

SPROKIT does NOT e-carcerate (i.e., no 24/7 geolocation tracking)

Incentive Driven

Built-in features to incentivize clients to keep their phone and stay compliant

User Focused

Tools designed to be easy to use, effective, and humane

Research Partners

We work with partners like MIT, University of California San Francisco, and the University of Virginia to continually upgrade our features, help us analyze data for behavior improvement, and provide rigor to our research and evaluations.


Technology Innovation

UC San Francisco

Behavioral Health Research

University of Virginia

Program Evaluation

Our Team

Our diverse team combines expertise in technology, criminal justice, mental health, and law enforcement to drive positive transformation.

Joe Kwong

Joe Kwong

Co-Founder & CEO

After a long, award-winning career as an executive and creative in the film/TV/gaming industry, Kwong formed Nuvana, an edtech company funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting primarily focused on motivating the lowest performing quartile. It was so successful and customizable, Nuvana was soon used by schools around the country from elementary to graduate programs at Stanford and University of Michigan.

Jeff Fino

Jeff Fino

Co-Founder & COO

Jeff Fino brings over twenty years of experience in the media world as a creator, producer and senior executive. The one constant throughout his professional life has been a desire to promote positive change through community engagement.

Azita Ghafourpour, J.D.

Azita Ghafourpour, J.D.

Chief of Product Strategy

Azita Ghafourpour, is Chief of Product Strategy at SPROKIT. She also is a consultant and master trainer for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's GAINS Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Transformation (SAMHSA).

Jennifer Johnson

Jennifer Johnson

Chief Policy Officer

Jennifer Johnson is the Chief Policy Officer at SPROKIT. For two decades, she was a trial attorney at the San Francisco Public Defender's office where she specialized in representing clients with serious mental illness.

Mike Christenson

Mike Christenson

Chief Technology Officer

My name is Michael Christenson and I have been programming for over 10+ years. I am privileged to be working in the field I love and to be sharing my knowledge of the field to those who want to learn.

Matt McNair

Matt McNair

Deflection Specialist

Deflection Specialist -- Matt McNair began his career practicing law in the Navy JAG Corps and then as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney.

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Be part of a team that's transforming lives through innovative technology and compassionate support.

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Ready to transform your operations? Contact us to learn how SPROKIT can help your organization achieve better outcomes.

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